Queso Chiffon Cake

(#172 in the limited series: cooking/baking in the time of the coronavirus quarantine)

Once in a while, someone asks me why I buy cakes when I am fully capable of baking my own… well, the short and easy answer to that question is that sometimes I am lazy! Why bake when there is a good product that can be bought in an instant?!?

One such thing is the Quezo Chiffon Cake of the Chocolate Kiss Cafe (the other is their Dayap Chiffon Cake). There used to be branch about 10 minutes away but it had closed some years back. The original branch was still open and even if it was 30 minutes away, we could still go there and enjoy the cakes.

But this pandemic has killed businesses in addition to human lives…

So, as I often say these days – if I want a taste of my favorite treats, I now have to make it myself!

This is the latest of several experiments – the first ones resulted in weird ones with various issues – the first one did not have any taste of cheese at all… another one flopped when the grated cheese melted and caused big air pockets…

This one, though, is a good one. It might not exactly be a replicate of the original but it was good enough to be complimented by hubby!